Rohit - Full Stack Developer Portfolio


hi, I'm
Rohit 👋

Software Engineer

Are you searching for a practical enthusiast for your project?

I'm Passionate about building scalable, efficient and sophisticated user interfaces. With a focus on front-end development, I leverage modern React techniques and best practices to ensure Typesafe app with high performance and maintainability.

Neither impressive interfaces nor blazing performance are the solution, but the balance between a maintainable implementation and user-focused functionality.


I am an Engineer with a deep passion for the worlds of Full Stack and DevOps. Keep scrolling if you wanna know why, how and what I work on!

What is my tech stack?

NextJS 🇳React ⚛️Tailwind CSS 🍃Express
NodeJS 🟩PrismaDocker 🐳Jenkins 🎩SentryPostHog
GitHubAWSGoogle CloudVercelCoolify


Breadit: Full Stack Reddit Clone

Fullstack Reddit clone using Next.js 14, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Prisma with MySQL, Sentry, and PostHog.

Realtime Health Monitor

Real-time monitoring of vital signs with Eulerian Video Magnification using Next.js 14, GCP, Docker and Hosted on Coolify.


You can find me here.